Connecting your customers with CompuDance Online Software helps you to maximize your reach. By using online registration, you will allow potential students to register from the convenience of their home. However, this DOESN'T remove the personal touch you will give them, because ultimately you will make the call to discuss the best classes for them. But, wouldn't it be nice to let your clients do your data entry? Don't you want to make it as easy as possible for them to register? Also, the dance studio down the block is offering online registration so there is no good reason not to offer this convenience, especially when it comes at such a low cost.
Our online client portal will allow your clients to view schedule, register for classes, and make payments as quick as counting 5 6 7 8.
Registering for classes has never been easier than this! Our online registration will help to remove the need for you to be involved in the registration process and allow students to register online. Opening up registration for your clients will also allow your clients, in their busy schedule, to do it when it is most convenient for them. Take the concern out of payments being late or classes being overcrowded, CompuDance will track it all for you! With Compudance, you can close a class when it is full, which gives you more control.
